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The Wall Street Greek blog is the sexy & syndicated financial securities markets publication of former Senior Equity Analyst Markos N. Kaminis. Our stock market blog reaches reputable publishers & private networks and is an unbiased, independent Wall Street research resource on the economy, stocks, gold & currency, energy & oil, real estate and more. Wall Street & Greece should be as honest, dependable and passionate as The Greek.

Seeking Alpha

Thursday, December 27, 2007

BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto Killed in Attack

benazir bhutto
Pakistan Peoples Party Candidate Benazir Bhutto was killed in a suicide attack in Pakistan today, around 8:00 a.m. EST. Pakistani reaction to this tragic event will be watched carefully today by American traders. Oil is immediately higher, but just slightly. As insensitive as we are sorry this sounds, the market will likely be more concerned about Pakistani reaction, and how unrest may escalate, then it is concerned with the event itself. Gold is moving higher and equities have indicated a lower open, but the moves are not exaggerated. We will be closely monitoring protests and government reaction.

In the past, assassinations have occurred just ahead of major al-Qaeda terrorist acts, including 911. This should set the markets at quite unease through the New Year as a result. Bhutto would have been a much easier target than Musharraf, and yet holds the potential of inciting similar unrest. We advise resisting the urge to panic now, but including a hedge against market downturn in your portfolio. Tax loss losers could get even cheaper now, so if you have not sold yet, you may consider waiting a day or two longer. I expect market reaction to escalate as unrest unfolds in Pakistan and martial law likely ensues.

President Musharraf is going to look quite ugly as a result of this event, whether he is responsible or not. Remember, he removed the top supreme court judge from office just before his reelection review was to be completed. Bhutto has now been killed just ahead of the election that Musharraf was forced to schedule by the international community and Pakistani popular demand. The international community is going to grow more concerned about Pakistan, as Musharraf looks to have an increasingly weaker hold on his country. The UltraShort S&P 500 ProShares (NYSE: SDS) might prove a nice hedging vehicle, and the CBOE Volatility Index (CBOE: VIX-X.W) should move higher in the very near term.

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